Download our Summer 2019 Student Sponsor Report here. Could you become a Student Sponsor, giving £33 a month to give a girl the chance to learn at Ibba Girls' Boarding School?
Queen Moses first joined Ibba Girls Boarding School as a student in 2016. Here is some brief insight into her experience here, and her life beforehand.
Having joined Ibba Girls Boarding School as a student in its first cohort back in 2014, Rahama is now in her penultimate year of primary education there. Here, she shares some of her experiences, particularly what she has learnt so far.
Vaida is now in her penultimate year of primary education at IGBS. Here, she shares some of her experiences, particularly the difference between IGBS and her previous school.
A big thank-you to all of you who responded quickly to our call to Pledge for Parity on 8th March 2016, International Women’s Day, by sponsoring girl students at Ibba Girls School.