
Ibba girls' school


Happy 6th Birthday to Ibba Girls' School

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Today we celebrate the 6th anniversary of Ibba Girls' School and Nagomoro Bridget's birthday, its Founding Chair


National Thank a Teacher Day

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Today is National Thank a Teacher Day, an opportunity to celebrate teachers, school leaders and school support staff for their amazing work, not only in these challenging times but all year round


CEO update: Covid-19 (6 May)

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CEO, Mark Simmons, provides this week's update for supporters on the situation in South Sudan relating to Covid-19


Fun FIGS stay-at-home fundraisers

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We launch three new fun fundraising campaigns you can do from home during the Covid-19 pandemic


Ibba Girls’ School Developmental Review 2019


Every year, a team of volunteers from Friends of Ibba Girls' School (FIGS) and Ibba Girls' Boarding School staff conduct a developmental review of the School. FIGS trustee Professor Jean Hartley has led the review team every year and reflects below on the findings this year.

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