
Head teacher


New Head Teacher & New Term at IGBS

IGBS students group project

Our September newsletter with updates from IGBS and FIGS, plus some dates for diary for upcoming events.


Renewed Vision at IGBS - February Newsletter

2022 02 class photo

New trustees and staff have brought a sense of renewed vision to IGBS.


Webinar: New Developments at IGBS

Students carrying water

Booking is now open for our webinar on Saturday 5th February.


Cautious Signs of Hope After a Difficult Year for South Sudan

2017 12 Thank you

Our newsletter for December, reflecting on the ups and downs of 2021.


Capacity Building and Training Visit to IGBS, August 2019

2019 08 MAF Arrival

Julia Sanders, FIGS Trustee and Volunteer, gives a first-hand report of her recent visit to IGBS with Paul.


Ibba Girls’ Boarding School Term One Report

2019 05 Senior 1

Report for the end of the first term of Ibba Girls' Boarding School's sixth year.


Girls' Education and Social Justice


Commemorating International Women’s Day in 2017, UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova stated that “we will do justice to the world by promoting girls’ education as the single most powerful transformational force to improve lives and societies”.

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