Today we mark the third year of running of Ibba Girls Boarding School, and celebrate with the 120 girl students, spanning Primary Levels 4 to 6, who will receive an education there this year.
Not just any kind of education, but one in a safe residential environment, free from the distractions of domestic chores, early marriage and childbirth, and long and dangerous daily walks to and from school. A holistic education allowing each girl child to study every subject in the South Sudanese national curriculum, including agricultural skills and basic health education. An education that gives these girls the chance to fulfil their tremendous potential, in a country where fewer than 1 in 6 women is currently literate.
If you are standing with these girl students by wearing a green item of clothing today, we would love to see your selfies on Facebook or Twitter – or you can email them to Zsofia at [email protected].
And if you would like to become a student sponsor, to see a girl student through education to School Certificate level at age 18, please sign up here today to give £27 a month.
A huge thank you to you, our generous supporters, who make days like today possible. May there be many, many more school re-openings!